Monday, October 13, 2014

Wearing and Using Gloves: Must Do`s

1.Select and use the right kind of glove for the job you are going to do.

2.Select gloves that fit.

3.Assess the risk any rings, watches, or bracelets that might cut/ tear your gloves or snag the wearer`s hand / fingers.

4.Wash your hands before and after wearing your gloves.

5.Inspect your gloves before you use them. Look for tears, holes or cracks that might leak and replace gloves that are worn or torn.

6.Look after your gloves and they will look after you

7.Some gloves may be chemical specified and have a life expectancy. Discard them after the recommended time has expired.

8.After working with chemicals, hold your gloved hands under running water to rinse away any chemicals or dirt before removing the gloves.

9.Avoid borrowing gloves. Gloves are Personal Protective Equipment. (PPE)

10.Store gloves right side out in a clean, cool, dry, ventilated area.

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