Thursday, October 2, 2014

In Case of Emergency

Emergency procedures What we do ?

Emergency procedures
Emergency evacuation
Fire/smoke, Fire/smoke
Personal injury - minor
 Bomb threat
Raise the alarm

Emergency procedures


The objective of these procedures is to ensure, as far as practicable, the safety, health and well being of staff, students, contractors and visitors during emergencies at The University of Western Australia.
To comply with relevant Western Australian legislation, codes and guidance materials, emergency procedures are prepared and distributed, emergency warning systems installed in most buildings and an Emergency Control Organisation (ECO) is organised and trained for each workplace.

Emergency Control Organisation (ECO)

The ECO consists of Building Wardens, Area Wardens and First Aid Officers, as well as outside agencies such as Fire and Rescue Services.
The role of the ECO is to ensure the safety of the building’s occupants in any emergency.
During emergencies, instructions from ECO personnel (i.e. Wardens and Fire and Rescue Services personnel) overrule the normal management structure.
Familiarise yourself with the various emergency alarms and signals, break glass alarms, evacuation routes, emergency exits, assembly areas, Building Warden, Area Wardens and First Aid Officers in your area and building.

Phone numbers

From external or mobile phone lines use the prefix 6488
2222 (24 hours)
Building Operations
Safety and Health
Mail Room
University Medical Centre
Facilities Management Help Desk
(public phone)
1800 655 222

Emergency evacuation

At all times during an emergency follow the instructions of the Building and Area Wardens.
  1. On hearing the evacuation alarm, immediately prepare to leave the building – secure confidential materials and valuables, collect personal belongings, shut down experiments, switch off computers, electrical appliances, equipment and machinery.
  2. If the evacuation alarm sounds, or if instructed to do so by a Warden, leave the building by the nearest and safest exit route. All doors should be closed (but not locked) on leaving.
  3. If possible take hand held personal belongings (such as handbags and briefcases) with you when you leave. Do not return to collect belongings.
  4. Assist any person with a disability to leave the building, or to the nearest fire isolated or firesafe haven for multi-storey buildings. Do not attempt to carry people down stairs. See the People with Specific Needs section.
  5. Walk quickly and calmly to the designated assembly area for your building or as advised by a Warden or Fire and Rescue Services personnel.
  1. Remain at the assembly area (in groups) until instructed to leave by a Warden or Fire and Rescue Services personnel.
  2. Do not re-enter the building until informed that it is safe to do so by a Warden or Fire and Rescue Services personnel. Do not enter a building in alarm.


  • Take shelter under tables, desks or in doorways.
  • Stay away from windows, shelving and large free-standing furniture.
  • After the earthquake, look for injured persons in your area and assist, provided it is safe to do so.
  • Leave the building as soon as your are able to.

Lecture theatres/laboratories

It is the responsibility of the lecturer/tutor to ensure that their class is evacuated and to maintain control of the students during an emergency until released by the ECO.

Cafes/public theatres/public venues

University staff will arrange for and provide information to patrons during emergency situations and evacuations.


Raise the alarm

  1. If safe to do so ensure the immediate safety of anyone within the vicinity of the fire.
  2. Raise the alarm if not already sounding, using a break glass alarm panel or by shouting ‘Fire, Fire, Fire’ if a panel is not available. The alarm system automatically notifies the Fire and Rescue Services and Security (who then notifies other emergency personnel).
  3. Phone Security (call 2222). Give your name, building, level, room number, type and extent of the fire/smoke and inform your supervisor or Building Warden if safe to do so.
  4. Evacuate the immediate area.

Fire fighting

  1. If safe to do so and if trained in the use of fire equipment – attempt to extinguish the fire.
  2. Choose the correct fire extinguisher. Do not use water or foam on an electrical fire.


  1. Evacuate the building as instructed to do so by a Warden.
  2. Walk quickly and calmly to the assembly area.
  3. Close doors and windows as you exit - do not lock doors. Leave lights on.
  1. Remain in the assembly area in groups until instructed to leave by a Warden or Fire and Rescue Services personnel.
  2. Do not re-enter the building until informed that it is safe to do so by the ECO or Fire and Rescue Services personnel.

Personal injury

Personal injury - minor

  1. Contact the nearest First Aid Officer within the building.
  2. Send the injured person to Campus Medical Centre if necessary (business hours only).
  3. Inform supervisor.
  4. Complete a confidential incident /injury report form.

Personal injury – major

  1. Care for injured person(s) – call for assistance.
  2. Send someone to phone security (call 2222).

Provide all information

  • Name
  • Location (building, level, room number)
  • Nature and type of injury
  • State of consciousness of the injured person(s)
  • Age and gender of the injured person(s)
  • If possible, the names of the injured person(s)
  • Any relevant information – breathing/not breathing, chest pains, bleeding, or
  • Phone external 000 then phone Security as above.
  1. Notify the Campus Medical Centre (call 6488 2118) if necessary (business hours only).
  2. Ensure the area is clear for emergency personnel.
  3. Inform your supervisor.
  4. Complete a confidential incident/injury report form.

       Updated 6 Mar 2014
Familiarise yourself with the current First Aid Officers and location of first aid kits in your area. This information is also available from your Safety Officer, Safety and Health Representative or Building Warden.

If assaulted

  1. Phone Security (call 6488 2222) and provide details of the assault as soon as possible.
  2. Do not wash, shower, change clothes or clean up in any way until after obtaining medical assistance and talking to the Police. You could destroy vital evidence.
  3. Do not drink alcohol or take tranquilisers or other drugs as you will have to give a clear account of what has happened. Try to remember everything you can about your attacker.
  4. Remember, you are the victim. You have nothing to feel guilty or ashamed about. Police Officers are aware that a person who has been assaulted is likely to be suffering from emotional shock. They will do all they can to make things as easy as possible for you.

Personal threat

Violent / threatening person

  1. If safe to do so, note and report such persons – phone Security (call 2222) or your Supervisor or Area Warden.
  2. If confronted, obey instructions if safe to do so:
    • Do not argue or provoke the person.
    • Do not attempt to physically subdue the person.
    • Back away and alert others to move away also.
    • Make it easy for the person to leave the building/area.

    If the person appears psychotic (unusual behaviour, saying odd things)

    • Try and create a calm, non-threatening atmosphere. Reduce distractions, turn off noisy equipment and computer monitors.
    • Talk slowly, quietly, firmly and simply.
    • Avoid direct eye contract, do not get too close.
    • If you can get the person to calm down, try and get them to sit down with you.
    • Do not try to reason with acute psychosis. They may be acting this way because hallucinations and voices that they are hearing are very real to them.
    • Express empathy for the person’s emotional distress, but do not pretend that the delusions or voices are real for you.
    • Comply with reasonable requests.
  1. Observe carefully:
    • Any articles touched by the person.
    • Physical details and attire.
    • Points which may aid description (including mannerisms).
    • Direction that the person took when they left the area.
  1. Phone Security (call 2222) and provide details of the incident as soon as possible, advise of any unusual behaviour – seek advice on next action.
  2. Record information for Police
  3. Be prepared to evacuate or secure the building/area – await further instructions from Security.
Lecture theatre/laboratories. It is the responsibility of the lecturer/tutor to maintain controlover their class during an emergency until released by the ECO.

Civil disorder/illegal occupancy

  1. Phone Security (call 2222) and request assistance.
  2. Notify the Building Warden.
  3. If safe to do so – initiate action to:
    • Restrict entry to the building
    • Confine presence to the ground floor
    • Restrict contact between demonstrators and building occupants
    • Evacuate the building.
  1. Notify nominated managers and/or supervisors
  2. Be prepared to evacuate – await further instructions from Security.
Lecture theatres/laboratories. It is the responsibility of the lecturer/tutor to maintain control over their class during an emergency until released by the ECO.

Bomb threat


Above all - keep calm and do not alarm others
  1. If the threat is by telephone
Prolong the call – keep the person talking and ask:
  • Location of bomb
  • Time set to explode
  • Record exact information – see following bomb threat checklist
  • Do not replace the handset (this enables calls to be traced).
  1. Record information for Police.
  1. If an object is found:
  • Do not touch
  • Report the find to Security (call 2222)
  • Keep areas clear.
Basic rules:
  • Treat as genuine
  • Record exact information.
  1. Do not use mobile phones, two way radios or other electronic equipment that may trigger a device – turn off mobile phones and two way radios.

Raise the alarm

  1. Phone Security (call 2222)
    • Notify the Building Warden.
    • Do not use break-glass alarm, public address system, mobile phones or two-way radios.


  1. Be prepared to evacuate – await further instructions from Security.
  2. Evacuate the building as instructed to do so by the Building Warden.

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